Optimized Digestion = Individualized Nutrition


When it comes to our health, what we eat plays a significant role. But not all foods work for everyone, and sometimes the foods we eat may actually cause damage to our gastrointestinal (GI) tract, leading to various symptoms and conditions. That's why elimination diets, such as low FODMAP, Paleo, Autoimmune Paleo (AIP), Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD), low lectin, and low oxalate, etc. have gained popularity as a way to decrease inflammation and support gut health. However, it's important to work with a licensed functional nutritionist or dietitian who can help guide you - that’s where I come in. In the final blog post of this 3-part series, we'll delve into the importance of individualized nutrition and what steps you can take to get started to get your digestion back on track.

Individualized Nutrition: What Are You (Not) Eating?

Our bodies are unique in their genetic makeup, health status, traditions, and relationship with food. What works for one person may not work for another. That's why it's crucial to consider individualized nutrition when it comes to optimizing digestive health. While certain diets may provide short-term symptom relief, it's important to understand that they are not always a lasting solution. Additionally, elimination diets can be triggering for those with a history of disordered eating or can lead to disordered eating and should only be undertaken with proper support and guidance from a knowledgeable provider who can work with you to determine the best course of action.

Furthermore, the quality of the foods we eat is essential for optimal digestion. Due to depleted farming soils and other factors, the nutrients in our food may be lacking. As we learned medications, stress, certain medical conditions, and our environment can also deplete the nutrients we consume, leading to potential deficiencies. Additionally, incorporating a wide variety of whole foods in our diet is not only essential for gut health but also for adequate nutrition and to support our gut's microbiome.

How to optimize gut health

So, what can you do to support your digestion and improve your overall health? The first step is to work with a healthcare professional who understands the complexity of the digestive process, both within and outside the GI tract. I do this by identifying potential underlying causes of digestive issues and develop a personalized plan which could include a specific diet, digestive support supplements, repletion of nutrients, and/or functional tests like a functional stool test, SIBO test, micronutrients test, toxin testing to determine root cause and work to restore digestion.

What can you do to get started?

First, eat a balanced diet with a variety of whole foods, with plenty of fiber, stay hydrated, manage stress, get regular exercise, and get enough sleep. Avoiding trigger foods that may be causing digestive issues, such as processed foods, sugar, artificial sweeteners, and alcohol, can also be beneficial.  Identify if any of the above inputs described in Parts 1-3 of the blog post may be playing a role.  Start keeping a log of your symptoms and if possible include the foods you are eating and lifestyle habits. This is all easier said than done, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to a licensed nutritionist like myself for support - for example, my six-month Nutrition & Coaching package is specifically for clients who are looking for a personalized nutrition and lifestyle plan, supplemented with regular meetings to ensure your journey to optimized digestion and individualized nutrition is sustainable and straightforward. 

Learn more or reach out at courtnaymeccanutrition.com/services.


In conclusion, digestion is more than just breaking down food in the GI tract. It has far-reaching effects on our overall health, and digestive issues can manifest in various symptoms both within and outside the GI tract. By working with a healthcare professional and making lifestyle changes, you can support your digestion and improve your overall health. Remember, it's not just about what you eat, but how well your body can absorb and utilize the nutrients from your food. Taking care of your digestive health is essential for overall well-being.


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